Why Every Author Needs Their Own Brand


Why Every Author Needs Their Own Brand

It took me awhile to figure out how I could be what I wanted to be when I grew up. Almost seven decades in fact.

So do you have a picture of me?  Do you see a little old white-haired spinster sitting around with a bunch of other old and older retirees knocking back 3:00 PM gin and tonics, performing an organ recital entitled My Heart Medication is Messing with my Bladder Control? Caught you.  Didn’t I? Your belief system shapes your image of what seven decade old people look like and do.

We all have belief systems that affect our perception. But when our beliefs control what we think we can do and be, it's time to reframe.

As far back as I can remember, I had a vision of myself delivering a message to an audience thirsting for my every word. That vision never took shape, however, because of beliefs I held about myself. Who was I after all? What did I know? I was not an authority or qualified. This is what I believed and, consequently, so did my non-existent audience.

Meanwhile, I trudged through life performing the expected duties, secretly writing that book, those poems, that funny short story but only adding one more nail to the coffin of my writer’s dream with each rejected manuscript. (We are talking pre-computer days here, when self-publication was something to be shamed).

In response, I muffled that still small voice. I tried to choke it. Hide it. Ignore it. When it became a deafening roar, I knew there'd be no peace until I followed that dream. But to do so I would have to reinvent myself—or more precisely, the way other people viewed me.  I'd have to become an authority, an oracle, a messenger.

I had to let that book out.

In the end, it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought. It was such a relief to give myself up to the flow of words. It was a liberation and it was also when the miracles began.

I discovered the publishing world had changed. There was no longer a stigma attached to self-publishing. Rather it was a co-creative, exciting, and inspiring journey.

Holding my published book for the first time—my own words birthed into form—was validation above and beyond any expectation. And with that came the impetus to further refine my image. The photo-shoot, the website design, the YouTube videos…they all conspired to create my brand.

Suddenly, I had a distinct and original energy that reinforced my self-belief. I played with this belief, and used it to create an even bigger and better image of myself. I envisioned myself holding my book—and saw it as a magnet drawing people and places that would propel me to the next level and the next and the next.

It was a trickle at first. A guest host on a webinar, a published article here and there, another webinar, a book signing. Individual events advertised my personal brand and helped me dream bigger and better.  

Because my belief welcomed expansion and manifestation I am now in the midst of living my biggest dream.

My book and my upgraded beliefs have attracted people and opportunities to amplify my voice. I have created a new business called Total Enchantment—because this experience has taught me that life is magical.

My latest creation (with a newfound business partner) is a Masterclass Retreat Series that we are taking around the globe. I teach people how to create their own magic. And because I have a published book… well, hey I'm an authority. No questions asked. Only acceptance.

Never underestimate the power of the written word.  And when that word is your own, it is enchanting.

Oh and in case you were wondering, I now sip champagne with the most exciting, intelligent, youthful people and discuss how to create a new and better world with our dreams. The first step for me was to right it out by writing it out.


About Suzanne Forcese

Healing Facilitator, Teacher, Coach, Author of FriesenPress-published Prime Time: Structured Energies For Peak Life Experiences. Suzanne lives in Victoria Beach, MB, Canada and is the co-founder of Total Enchantment, an interactive/transformational Masterclass Series held in exclusive retreats worldwide. You can visit her website at suzanneforcese.com.

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